Monday 30 April 2012

Short and Sweet.

 It appears my rheumatoid arthritis is in need of having a greater presence in my life at the moment.  So apart from taking the children to their various activities I am not doing too much at all.  Still no reason to not count my blessings though.

740. More time with my mum and my neice, out for lunch this time with my two as well - such healing.

741.  A Doggy who will curl up with me.

742.  The persistant rain makes me feel not so bad about not getting into the garden to work.

743.  My lovely lightweight kindle.

744.  Film night with my hubby.

745.  Freedom.

746.  The protection of God's loving arms around not just my body but my heart and soul as well.

747.  Our NHS and my medication.

748.  Phone calls and dates with friends made.

749.  Frank discussions about house buying with my mum.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about your rheumatoid arthritis, what a hard eucharisteo! You just can't beat a warm doggy snuggled up against you, I love mine so much! I love that hedge of protection the Lord gives us. Have a wonderful week counting those many gifts surrounding you@
