Monday 7 March 2011

A missed day.

I was not well last week and missed writing down my blessings.  Why is it when you have to stop because you are unwell the world does not stop with you?  I think it is very unfair that I ended up spending the rest of the week trying to recover and do all the things that I wasn't able to do while in bed on Monday!

I am pleased to say that I did find some space to just be and thanks to the practise of writing down my blessings, I do find that in my 'just being' moments thanksgivings are never far from my thoughts.

This week is going to be another busy one.  I am running another children's activity day next Saturday for work if you are interested in what I do as a children and youth pastor you could always go and visit my work blog over here.

On with the blessings:

505. Lots of beautiful sunny days with blue skies.
506. A cold that has quickly blown away.
507. Youtube videos that have taught me how to crochet a hat!
508. A weekend with only my two biological children - a rare treat, enjoyed by all.
509. A happy teen going away with her church youth group.
510. A happy teen coming home with lots of enthusiasm about her doing 'things' better.
511. Contact from my parents to reassure me they are having a good holiday.
512. Photographs are my children charting bits of their whole lives.
513. New double glazing fitted super quick.
514. The strength to just get a curtain rail fixed up.
515. A bag of hand me down clothes for my youngest from a friend.
516. Narcissus opening in the garden.
517. Children playing outside.
518. Husband being asked to be part of a new leadership team for an exciting new venture at work.
519. Volunteers galore!

Lots more people are counting their blessings over here with the gratitude community:


  1. I’m glad you are better – really am.

    And my favorite from the list: 519. Volunteers galore! (the last was the best – You can’t do it all alone – and so many people don’t help – it sure is nice when they do)

    This was so good. Good for the heart. Thank you.

    God Bless and Keep you and yours

  2. I've been enjoying the beautiful blue skies and sunshine too :)
    So glad you had some lovely quality time with your kids, that is wonderful!
    My eldest girl is really into her crochet tutorials at the moment. She's crocheting some little baby shoes from you tube at the moment actually!

  3. Suzy will your eldest allow you to post a photo of the shoes? I was thinking of making some as our neighbours daughter has just had a little boy. I might even be brave enough to post a photo of my berrets!

  4. So glad I stopped by today! And you are so right ---- nothing stops when we are sick and then we have to work doubly hard to catch up to it all! I'll have to check out the YouTube tutorials!!! Looking for some slipper patterns and I need all the help I can get!
