My husband Brian, remembers our first meeting - apparently it was on the aisle of the church where a friend introduced us. I have to confess (don't worry - have said it to him already), that I cannot remember this, try and try as I have to conjure up this memory, it is not there, that's sad.
The next opportunity for us to meet was unknown to me a dinner party where Brian was in the know about me, but not I him. Another gorgeous friend Helen had been telling him about me and arranged a dinner party with others, so as not to make it to obvious. Unfortunately her table planning was just not up to scratch. She did sit us next to each other, Brian on my left, however on my right were two very outgoing, very loud (but very lovely) lads. They kept the right side of the table totally entertained the whole evening. I don't think I spoke to Brian next to me all night. Brian doesn't compete when he doesn't think he stands a chance, so sat back and enjoyed the meal.
Along with Angi and a whole bunch of volunteers we put on a week of early evening entertainment (Power Point) for the youngsters in our church. THIS is where I first noticed Brian. We always had a short meeting at the end and beginning of each session to discuss what was going to or had gone. It was at one of these that this young man (well youngish - he was 2 whole years older than me!) said that he had written a rap the night before when praying about something we were going to be covering. My attention was immediate captured. I will state categorically that I am and never have been a rap fan!!!! What had impressed me, was this quiet bloke had written a very witty rap in his own time when preparing to minister to the kids we had coming - which after encouragement from the team he went on to perform. I think we chatted, but I can honestly say, that I was blown away by the living faith that he had and which exuded from him, far more than any other thoughts that might have been brewing for him - they came later - not that much later actually.
Okay, I was going to stop there but maybe I will tell you a little more. Several weeks after Power Point, Helen moved house, she had bought a little place and decided to have a house warming. I went along and she told me that she had a friend coming along later if he could get away from work. So a pleasant evening was spent with lots of friends together, a few folks started to leave and then the grand entrance was made - Brian! You see I discovered from him, after he had got a plate full of leftovers, that he was training to be an air traffic controller which meant he worked shifts, hence his late arrival (it was about 10.30pm). We got chatting and Helen saw the rest of the guests off home, this was the first time my heart started to stir with those other thoughts and feelings - he was lovely!!
I don't know what we talked about for most of the time but on leaving, it was late. We had both got our separate transport to go home, not knowing what to do on leaving each other Brian stuck out his hand and we shook hands to say good-bye (makes me swoon to think back on this now!).
I didn't know what to call this blog - but have just noticed all the references to food.